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Bylaws of The Houston Chapter of Basketball Officials, Inc.

Article I - Name

The name of the organization shall be the Houston Chapter Basketball Officials, Inc., hereinafter referred to as HCBO.

Article II - Object

The object of the HCBO is to provide active engagement in officiating basketball games each year to a group of experienced and capable basketball officials that have integrity and a high standard of ethics. Such group of officials will encourage fair play and sportsmanship, and will work for closer cooperation and better understanding among officials, school administrators, athletic directors, coaches, players, basketball fans, and the media, and provide educational programs to advance officials’ skills.

Article III - Membership

Section 1. Members.


A. Active Members. Active members shall be individuals who meet the qualifications specified herein; however, any applicant who fails to meet these requirements may not be accepted as a member of HCBO. An active member shall also be considered a "member in good standing."


Members who have not paid HCBO dues within the time requirements prescribed by the HCBO are considered "inactive" and shall have no rights of membership.

B. Transfer Members. A member of an applicable officiating organization who wishes to transfer his or her affiliation to the HCBO after previously affiliating with another chapter can apply for active membership in the HCBO. The individual shall present documentation from the applicable officiating organization to the HCBO. The secretary may also consider the applicant's documentation and records, and after confirming verification from the individual's previous chapter secretary, may set the applicants appropriate division rank.


Section 2. Qualifications for Active Members. Any person applying for active membership shall meet the following qualifications:

  • A minimum test score on rules and mechanics.
  • A physical ability to officiate a basketball game.
  • A current member of the Texas High School Basketball Officials Association (THSBOA).
  • Payment of HCBO chapter dues and fees.
  • Pass any other HCBO requirements.
  • Minimum 18 years of age.

Section 3. Dues. Dues set by the Executive Board are payable on May 1 and delinquent June 30. Late fees are required after June 30. The Executive Board may also require reinstatement fees for members whose membership was previously inactive. Annual dues shall be used to cover normal operating expenses of the HCBO.

Section 4. Membership Application. The Executive Board may set a non-refundable application fee for new and transfer memberships. The secretary shall consider all applications for active membership in the HCBO, utilizing the qualifications specified in the bylaws. Any application with false or omitted information may be rejected. HCBO shall not discriminate based on race, color, creed, gender, sexual orientation, familial status, religion or national origin.

Section 5. The fiscal year shall be April 1 through March 31.

Article IV - Officers

Section 1. The officers of the HCBO shall be a president, vice president, secretary, and treasurer. The officers shall hold office as provided in the bylaws. Additional officers of the HCBO may be added by an affirmative vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the total membership present at a properly called meeting of the HCBO. Each officer shall be a voting member of the Executive Board.

Section 2. Qualifications. To qualify for any office, an individual shall have been a member of the HCBO for at least two years at the time of the election or appointment.

Section 3. Term of Office. Officers shall serve for a term of two years or until their successors are elected or appointed. Terms shall begin on April 1 of an odd-numbered year.

Section 4. Duties of Officers. Officers shall perform the duties prescribed by these bylaws and by the parliamentary authority adopted by the association.

A.Duties of the President. The president shall be the presiding officer at all meetings of the HCBO. The president shall:

  • Serve as program committee chairperson.
  • Present programs to the Executive Board for approval.
  • Negotiate any contracts and present to Executive Board for approval.
  • See that orders and resolutions of the Executive Board are carried out.
  • Sign all necessary written instruments, checks, and promissory notes on behalf of HCBO as directed by the Executive Board.

B. Duties of the Vice President. In the absence, inability, or the refusal of the president to perform his duties, the vice president shall perform such duties until the president is present and able to perform such duties. In addition, the vice president shall:

  • Serve as chairperson of the audit committee and recruiting committee.
  • Implement and manage a training program for all officials.
  • Serve as presiding officer of any meetings in which the president is unavailable.

C.Duties of the Secretary. The secretary shall have the following duties:

  • Receive all requests for varsity game officials for the HCBO and submit to the Executive Board for review. The secretary shall be authorized to make emergency varsity game assignments as necessary.
  • Keep complete and accurate records of all requests for officials, approved requests, and game assignment correspondence.
  • Send correspondence to all coaches prior to the start of the season, to include a roster of active members, a request for game schedules, and a request that the coach return a scratch list from the roster of active members.
  • Develop and maintain a list of all active/inactive members of the HCBO, along with all information necessary to track members and to communicate with members as needed.

D. Duties of the Treasurer. The treasurer shall have the following duties:

  • Be in charge of HCBO funds
  • Issue checks or make debit card purchases authorized by the Executive Board.
  • Receive and deposit all dues and fees from members.
  • Maintain the financial records, and submit a budget for each fiscal year.
  • Prepare monthly balance sheets and profit/loss reports for approval by the Audit Committee.
  • Submit final treasurer's report and all financial records to the Audit Committee for the fiscal year ending March 31.
  • The treasurer shall be bonded with insurance premium paid by the HCBO.

Section 5. Nomination and Election of Officers. Election of officers shall be held at the annual meeting, after the conclusion of the basketball season, in odd-numbered years. The president and vice president shall be elected at this meeting.

Section 6. Appointment of Officers. The Executive Board shall meet within ten (10) calendar days after taking office to appoint the secretary and treasurer for the two year term.

Section 7. Stipends. The secretary and treasurer may be paid a stipend determined by the Executive Board. The Executive Board may also approve reimbursement of reasonable expenses for any Executive Board member, including but not limited to travel, mileage, hotel, and per diem meal expenses.

Section 8. Vacancies.

  1. President. A vacancy in the office of the president shall be filled by the vice president for the unexpired term of the president.
  2. Other Officers. A vacancy in any other office shall be filled by the Executive Board for the unexpired term.

Article V - Meetings

Section 1. Regular Meetings of the Executive Board. The Executive Board shall conduct regular meetings, generally on a monthly basis, but not less than nine (9) times per year. Regular meetings shall be open to all members. A majority of the Executive Board members shall constitute a quorum.

Section 2. Annual Meeting. The annual meeting in March shall be conducted for the purpose of election of officers and Executive Board, and receiving reports of the Executive Board and applicable committees.

Section 3. Special Meetings. Special meetings may be called at any time with appropriate notice; such notice shall include the specific items of business to be considered at the meeting.

  1. Membership Meetings. Special meetings of the membership may be called by the Executive Board, provided that notice shall be sent to members through electronic means or posted on HCBO website of the place and time of such meeting at least ten calendar days before the scheduled meeting.
  2. Executive Board Meetings. Special meetings of the Executive Board may be called by at least three Board members, provided that notice shall be sent to remaining Executive Board members through electronic means of the place and time of such meeting at least seven days before the scheduled meeting.

Section 4. Quorum. 15% attendance of the HCBO active membership shall constitute a quorum.

Article VI - Executive Board

Section 1. The Executive Board (also referred to as the "Board") shall consist of the elected and appointed officers, the immediate past president, ten representatives from Divisions I through V, and a THSBOA representative. The members of the Executive Board shall perform their duties as provided in the bylaws. Members of the Executive Board shall each be active members as prescribed herein, and each member shall have voting rights.

A.    Duties of the Executive Board.  The Board shall:

  • Publish for all members and enforce the bylaws and policies of the chapter.
  • Create and enforce the stated policies of the HCBO and the HCBO Executive Board, with such policies published and available for all members to review.
  • Review and/or approve game assignments.
  • Report to the membership on all Executive Board meetings.
  • Enforce payment of dues and fees by each member, and determine applicable penalties.
  • Set amount of dues, application fees, late fees, reinstatement fees, and special fees.
  • Enforce attendance regulations.
  • Enforce regulations regarding uniform, neat dress, and possession of all of the necessary officiating equipment.
  • Investigate all alleged solicitation of games by any member.
  • Set the time, place, length, and number of the regular meetings.
  • Create committees as necessary to conduct HCBO business.
  • Provide authority for any other officer to sign checks and promissory notes.

Section 2. The Executive Board shall be responsible for the management and administration of the HCBO in all respects and for all purposes and shall have the power to conduct the business of the organization except that which is retained by the membership as provided in these bylaws.

Section 3. Qualifications. To qualify for any Executive Board position, an individual shall be a member of the HCBO.

Section 4. Term of Office. Executive Board members shall serve for a term of two years or until their successors are elected. Terms shall begin on April 1.

Section 5. Members of the Executive Board. In addition to the president, vice president, secretary, and treasurer, the following shall be board members:

A. Immediate Past President. The immediate past president is a non-voting Board member for a one year period immediately following their tenure as president. The Board may extend the term of the immediate past president to include a second year. A vacancy in this position will not be filled.

B. Division Representatives. Ten division representatives (two reps for each division) shall serve on the Board, each representing the officials in their respective divisions. Division representatives shall only serve two consecutive terms, and at the time of their election must be in the division they will represent, based on points earned through the end of the previous basketball season. Division representative shall have the following duties:

    • Bring matters to the Board relating to the members of their division.
    • Represent the members of their division at Executive Board, HCBO, and other meetings called to discuss matters relating to HCBO business.
    • With the officers, authorize game assignments for their division members.
    • Be an advocate for their division members during disciplinary matters.
    • Serve on necessary committees as approved by the Board.

C. THSBOA Representative. The THSBOA representative is appointed for a two year term by the Executive Board. Current members of the Executive Board shall not be eligible to be appointed to the position of THSBOA representative. The THSBOA representative shall have the following duties:

  • Represent the HCBO at all THSBOA state meetings.
  • Be the liaison between the HCBO and the THSBOA state basketball board.
  • Report back to the Board and the members on meeting minutes and decisions made by the THSBOA state board.

Section 8. Vacancies. Should a vacancy of either a division or THSBOA representative occur at any time during the term of office, the Board shall appoint a member to fill the unexpired term.

Section 9. If a Board member does not attend three (3) consecutive regular meetings due to unexcused absences, the position that member holds shall be deemed vacant as defined in these bylaws, and a replacement shall be made.

Section 10. Liability Insurance.The HCBO shall purchase liability insurance for its officers / directors with a minimum limit of One Million Dollars (US $1,000,000). The liability insurance shall also cover assigned members of Committees.    

Section 11. Special Fees. The Executive Board shall have the authority to create special one-time fees of the membership, to cover any unforeseen expenses that are not considered to be normal operating expenses.

Article VII - Additional Appointed Positions

The Executive Board shall appoint additional positions as needed to conduct business of the HCBO. These additional positions shall include, but not limited to, a recording secretary, assistant secretaries for game assignments, and a sergeant-at-arms. These positions will require individuals to work closely with the Executive Board, but the individuals appointed to these positions will not be part of the Executive Board and will not have voting privileges on the Executive Board.

Section 1. Qualifications. To qualify for any appointed position, an individual shall have been a member for at least two years.

Section 2. Term of Office. Appointed positions shall serve for a term of two years or until their successors are appointed.

Section 3. Vacancies. Should a vacancy of any appointed position occur, the Board shall appoint another member to fill the unexpired term.

Section 4. Sergeant-At-Arms. The Sergeant-at-Arms shall have the following duties:

  • Maintain a current file of the bylaws and any other HCBO documents, including HCBO stated policies, as necessary.
  • Shall maintain order and proper decorum at each meeting. If the Sergeant-at-Arms is not in attendance at a properly called meeting, the Executive Board shall appoint a Board member to perform these duties.
  • Shall record attendance at all Board and HCBO meetings.
  • Have all control of all elections and recalls and with the secretary count the election and recall returns.

Section 5. Recording Secretary. a recording secretary shall be appointed to record minutes of all hcbo meetings, including board meetings, and other duties pertaining to this office.

Section 6. Assistant Assigning Secretary. The secretary shall be assisted with the sub-varsity game assignments by one or more assistant assigning secretaries, who shall be appointed by the Board. The assistant secretaries shall have the following duties:

  • Receive all requests as directed by the secretary and make game assignments.
  • Keep complete and accurate records of all requests for officials, approved requests, and correspondence in relation to the HCBO.
  • Authorized to provide cards/Information for the sub-varsity officials to present to home schools showing official’s names and other pay scale information.
  • Send a letter to all sub-varsity coaches to request sub-varsity game schedules.
  • Provide a written status report to the Executive Board on missed assignments and canceled assignments.

Section 7. Stipends. The assistant secretaries shall be paid a stipend approved by the Board.

Section 8. Multiple Positions. Any member of the Executive Board (except for the officers) may request appointment to an assistant secretary position.   Board members shall not vote on their own appointment.

Article VIII - Committees

Section 1. The Executive Board may create committees as needed to assist with performance functions of the board and the necessary business of the HCBO. Selection of committee members shall be the responsibility of the Executive Board.

Section 2. Ex officio. The president shall be ex officio a member of all committees except the nominating committee.

Section 3. Finance Committee. The finance committee shall consist of the treasurer and two Board members appointed by the president. This committee shall have the duty to prepare the budget, review income and expenses, develop financial reports, and recommend financial policies including dues and fees to the Executive Board.

Section 4. Audit Committee. The audit committee shall consist of the vice president and two Board members appointed by the president. This committee shall audit monthly and annual financial reports prepared by the treasurer and finance committee. The audit committee shall report any financial issues to the Executive Board for action as necessary.

Section 5. Ethics Committee. The ethics committee shall ensure that members comply with appropriate ethics guidelines, and shall operate independently from the Board. The ethics committee shall be made up of at least nine active members, and shall not include any members of the Executive Board. The ethics committee shall be co-chaired by two members appointed by the Executive Board, and the remaining members of committee shall also be appointed by the Executive Board.

The ethics committee shall propose ethics policies and submit to the Executive Board for approval. These policies shall be made available to all members. The ethics committee shall review why any member shall be investigated for potential ethics violations, and shall submit in writing its findings and recommendations to all members of the Executive Board. The Executive Board shall then vote on those recommendations within thirty (30) calendar days after the recommendations are submitted. Members shall have the right to appeal as prescribed herein.

Section 6. Training Committee. The training committee shall consist of at least two Board members and at least one individual from the membership. As necessary, the training committee may appoint a training coordinator to oversee, develop, and implement the training plans for new officials. The training committee shall also choose training site coordinators to run the training programs at various sites. The Board shall have the authority to approve a stipend for training coordinators and training staff members.

Section 7. Recruiting Committee. The recruiting committee shall consist of the vice president and at least one other Board member, and at least one individual from the membership. This committee shall develop membership recruitment, advertising, and retention programs designed to increase the HCBO membership. Recruiting programs shall be approved by the Board.

Section 8. Election Committee. The election committee shall consist of the sergeant-at-arms, president, vice president, and two members-at-large appointed by the Executive Board. Duties of the election committee are to conduct elections as prescribed herein.

Article IX - Parliamentary Authority

The rules contained in the current edition of Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern HCBO in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these bylaws and any special rules of order the HCBO may adopt.

The bylaws of the Texas High School Basketball Officials Association (THSBOA) shall govern HCBO in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these bylaws and any special rules of order the HCBO may adopt.

Article X - Amendment

These bylaws may be amended by the membership at any regular or special meeting of the HCBO by a two-thirds vote, provided that the amendment has been submitted in writing and published by the Executive Board at least thirty (30) calendar days prior to the meeting.

Article XI - Nominations and Elections

Section 1. Elections. The elections of the president, vice president, and five division representatives will be held at the annual meeting, to be scheduled no later than March 31 of each odd numbered year. The election of the remaining five division representatives will be held at the annual meeting, to be scheduled no later than March 31 of each even numbered year. A quorum of the HCBO membership is required to hold the election of the Executive Board positions.

Section 2. Eligibility.

  • All candidates for election to the Executive Board must be members.
  • The president and vice president may not serve more than two consecutive terms in those offices. With the exception of the president and vice president, no elected Executive Board member may serve more than three consecutive terms in any combination of elected positions.
  • A member may only serve as division representative for the division in which classified. Members who will advance to a higher division at the conclusion of the current season are eligible to run for division representative of only that higher division. No person may be a division representative more than two consecutive terms in the same division. The Executive Board shall publish stated policies that detail the requirements for division classification.
  • The immediate past president shall not be eligible to run for any Executive Board position until at least two years have elapsed from the date the immediate past president leaves office.
  • The secretary and treasurer may serve unlimited consecutive terms.

Section 3. Election Committee. The election committee as prescribed herein shall be responsible for:

  • Accepting proposed candidates and ensuring their eligibility for any Executive Board position.
  • Providing the general membership with a list of nominees of all open Executive Board positions 30 calendar days prior to the annual (election) meeting.
  • Distributing and counting paper ballots or reviewing report of any electronic ballots.

Section 4. Nominations. The election committee shall solicit nominations from the membership and give notice of the next election by December 10. All nominations will be made by the membership to the election committee. Nominations will be accepted for proposed candidates beginning January 1 and will continue until 30 calendar days prior to the annual meeting. A member can only be nominated for one position on the Executive Board. Upon submission of the election committee’s list of nominees to the general membership, nominations will be suspended until the annual meeting. The election committee may also accept nominations from the floor at the meeting called for the election.

Section 5. Election Process. The methodology used in conducting the regular election will be as follows:

  • The election will be conducted by secret ballot unless there is only one candidate for a position.
  • In odd numbered years, the election will be held in the following order: (1) president, (2) vice president, and (3) five division representatives. In even numbered years starting in 2014, five division representatives will be elected.
  • Members of each division shall vote for their respective division representative only. Members of the respective divisions will sit in close proximity to one another. A member's division ranking shall be based on points earned through the end of the previous basketball season.
  • Election shall be by majority vote. If there is not a majority of votes cast for any position, there shall be a run-off between the two candidates receiving the most votes, as prescribed by the election procedures documented by the election committee.
  • No person who has been nominated for an office will be involved in any vote tabulation activity.
  • The election committee shall document detailed election procedures that shall be posted for viewing by all members.

Section 6. Voting Eligibility. Only active members are eligible to vote.

Section 7. Multiple Positions. No individual may run for or serve in more than one position on the Executive Board at the same time.

Section 8. Election Results. The Executive Board shall publish election results on the HCBO web site within three calendar days after the election.

Article XII - Disciplinary Procedures

Section 1. Obligation to Observe Regulations. The acceptance of membership in the HCBO obligates each member to observe all regulations as set forth in the bylaws and stated policies of the HCBO.

Section 2. Attendance at Meetings. All members are required to attend a minimum of two regularly scheduled meetings each year.

Section 3. Compliance with Code of Ethics. All members of the HCBO shall comply with the officials’ code of ethics of the National Federation of High Schools.

Section 4. Reporting Outside Contacts. Any member of the HCBO who is contacted to officiate during the regular season by any coach, school official, or any other person or agency must immediately contact the chapter secretary.

Section 5. Uniform. Each regular member must wear the uniform prescribed by the applicable certifying agency of the State of Texas and the HCBO. It must be complete, and present a neat appearance.

Section 6. Cooperation. Each member must cooperate to the fullest extent with the Executive Board in the investigation of any matter by the Executive Board, the ethics committee or any other committee.

Section 7. Adjudicative Power. Following the recommendations of the ethics committee as prescribed in Article VIII, the Executive Board shall have the power and the duty to determine punishment, if any.

Section 8. Notice to Affected Members. When the Executive Board considers any of the matters set forth in these bylaws, the member(s) involved shall receive written notification at least ten calendar days prior to the scheduled meeting so that he or she may be present to defend their position before the Executive Board, if so desired. Said member shall not be present in the meeting room when the Executive Board votes concerning the matter. The Executive Board may set any penalty including, but not limited to fines, suspension, or cancellation of any part or all of any remaining game schedule.

Section 9. Appeals. The affected member may appeal a penalty to the full HCBO membership. The affected member may also have a designated member represent them in the appeal process. A two-thirds vote of members attending a properly called regular meeting will be necessary to override or modify any penalty set by the Executive Board.

Article XIII - Vacancy or Removal of Executive Board Members

Section 1. Vacancy. A vacancy is defined as prescribed herein.

Section 2. Filling a Vacancy. To fill a vacancy in an elected officer position, the presiding officer may announce at any regular meeting that an election will be held at the next regular meeting to replace said vacancy. Nominations and elections will be held at the same meeting in filling vacancies. Should a vacancy in a division or THSBOA representative position occur, the Executive Board shall appoint a member to serve the remaining term. To fill a vacancy in an appointed Executive Board position such as secretary or treasurer, the Executive Board shall appoint a replacement.

Section 3. Removal. Any member of the Executive Board may be removed for good cause through use of the following procedure:

  • Upon written request by a member to the Executive Board setting forth the specific reasons why a current Board member should be removed, the Executive Board, at its next regular or special meeting at least seven calendar days but not more than thirty calendar days after receiving the request, shall consider whether sufficient good cause exists for the removal of the Executive Board member in question. The Executive Board shall post the written request on the HCBO web site for no less than sixty (60) calendar days.
  • At the meeting at which the removal request is considered, the Board member, or another member designated by the Board member to represent them, in question shall be afforded an opportunity to address the specific reasons set forth in the removal request.
  • If the Board member in question is an elected officer, the Executive Board shall review the written request and the member’s response, then vote on whether sufficient good cause exists to remove said member. If the Executive Board determines that good cause exists, then the Executive Board shall send the matter to the general membership, as any action requiring removal shall be submitted to the general membership for a vote in accordance with the election criteria prescribed herein. An affirmative vote of two-thirds of the votes cast is required to remove the Executive Board member from his/her elected position.
  • If the Board member in question is not an officer, then action requiring a vote shall be handled by the Executive Board. An affirmative vote of two-thirds of the votes cast is required to remove the Executive Board member from his/her position.

Article XIV - Adoption

These bylaws were adopted by the HCBO at a regular meeting on _____________________.

Signed on this day by the officers of the HCBO:

President: ______________________________        James Burkhalter

Vice President: __________________________       Julius Clebourne

Secretary: ______________________________        Ben Frank

Treasurer: ______________________________        Bob Ellis

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