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HCBO Board Members

HCBO Board Members


Houston Chapter Basketball Officials Mission Statement

The Houston Chapter Basketball Officials are committed to providing quality officials, as well as officials that apply the rules competently.

This will be illustrated by the allowance of maximum creativity of the players on the court as well as maximum flexibility for coaches to perform their jobs on the sidelines, in both cases within the guidelines of the rules set forth by the National Federation of High Schools (NFHS) which are enforced by the University Interscholastic League (UIL). Whether the games are in the Greater Houston area (normal coverage area) or any other part of the state of Texas (by UIL request), the Houston Chapter Basketball Officials (HCBO) will strive to meet or exceed the expectations of the schools entrusting us to cover their respective games.

The Houston Chapter Basketball Officials will constantly pursue these requests from both the mental and physical requirements needed to perform our requested duties competently and professionally. Our goal  as individuals is to represent the Houston Chapter Basketball Officials in a very professional and first class manner.  We will provide the best service we possibly can and each of us will do our part in making the HCBO the BEST CHAPTER IN TEXAS.

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